
Showing posts from 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A month ago today, was my last post. However, I can't help but want to write today as I reflect on this year, that's nearly over, and how I find more and more the importantce of family.  This year we buried Kayes grandmother and tomorrow is her birthday. So perhaps it's simply that she is on my mind more than normal today. However, she was and is very important to Kaye and I. I'm reminded of the words of Paul; to live is Christ and to die is gain. Those words describe Mamaw Trammell pretty well. It engages my thoughts to think that as she lived she showed Christ and in this season of Christmas, her favorite time of year, she would show Christ by giving selflessly to those in need. But though my heart is heavy as we miss her this Christmas I'm encouraged by the hope of heaven and that we will see her again someday.  Jesus gave us all that promise in the Gospel of John chapter 14, that He goes to prepare a place for us, and that He will return, and that where He is we...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. (James 4:14 NASB) James writes a rather intriguing passage here that everyday becomes a little more real to me. Working in a funeral home I have learned rather quickly that death has no guidelines, sometimes it is a rather long process and others almost instant. Often times the pain and agony of dying is very real and evident while others seem to be at such peace while they leave here. And then of course there is the age factor, death doesn't care if you are 100+ years old or a new born baby or anyone in between; and we find here that James told us that as he wrote the words God spoke to him.  It boils down to this, you and I really are not promised tomorrow. In fact we're not promised our next breath, so why don't we make the best of every moment. Live like today is your last day on earth and serve God will all of your heart. He has plans f...

Monday, November 3, 2014

 "What's Your Ugly?" Was the title of the message I preached last night to my home church and wow have I been challenged by it, so I wanted to share it here to.  Mark 3:1-6, NASB: He entered again into a synagogue; and a man was there whose hand was withered. They were watching Him to see if He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him. He said to the man with the withered hand, "Get up and come forward!" And He said to them, "Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or to kill?" But they kept silent. After looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, He said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately began conspiring with the Herodians against Him, as to how they might destroy Him.  This man had a withered hand and it was something ugly compared to the world but Jesus had plans to resto...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Have you ever felt drained? Tired all the time and really don't feel like getting out of bed in the morning? I've been there, as a matter of fact, this morning I crawled back in bed simply because I didn't feel the best, and then at the last moment I got up, and prepared for my day. Though I didn't feel all that great I have chose to make this day great for the scripture says,  This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  A passage of scripture that continues to minister to me is found in Isaiah 43:1-3, But now, thus says the Lord, your Creator, O Jacob,And He who formed you, O Israel,“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;I have called you by name; you are Mine! “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,Nor will the flame burn you. “For I am the Lord your God,The Holy One of Israel, your Savior... In other words God made ...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

WOW, while I was sitting with Kaye last night she asked when the last time I had blogged and it was overwhelming to me to realize it had been a whole week. No wonder I've felt different lately. I've found this to be an outlet for me and a way to collect my thoughts or reflections on paper.  This past Sunday morning, October 26, 2014; I was privileged to share with our church and as we broke open the Bread of Life/Word of God together we were reminded that God was, is and always will be our Creator and that when the world seems to be overtaking us it won't, (read Isaiah 43:1-3.) We were also reminded that He created us fearfully and wonderfully and that we are His masterpiece, (read Psalm 139:14.) Though these are wonderful scriptures and beautiful promises and reminders from our Lord, I couldn't help but think of the man this morning with a "withered hand" found in Mark 3:1-6. Mark 3:1-6, " He entered again into a synagogue; and a man was there whose hand...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Over the last couple of days I have began to prepare a sermon for this coming Sunday morning and as I have felt the guidance of the Holy Spirirt, I have been reminded of the beautiful team that God and I make together, that without Him I am nothing and that I need Him to sustain me and the purpose of my life.  Today, however, a good friend of mine welcomed their second little boy into the world, this morning, and as I began to recieve  pictures and hear of how momma and baby we're doing I couldn't help but ponder the idea, what this little boy would do for the Kingdom of God. What kind of wonderful team they would make together. I recollected the passage of scripture found in Jeremiah 1: 5,  "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5 NASB) I believe that for Brady, this new cute little boy, however I believe it for you and I! God has called us, He has appointed ...

Monday, October 20, 2014

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works and my soul knows it very well.  A few weeks back, Kaye went with the Ladies of our church on a retreat to grow spiritually together as well as relationally. I knew she would have a good time, yet, she surprised me and had a GREAT time. When she returned home, it was non stop for several days about events or services, card games played, or perhaps crazy, off the wall, random songs that were sung. Yet, above all the fun she had, she was sure to tell me their focal point of the entire weekend, that she was fearfully and wonderfully made.  Since her conversation with me about being fearfully and wonderfully made, I have been confronted multiple times in scripture and morning devotion with the same thought and passage. Perhaps my wife was trying to share with me the importance of being reminded that I too, am fearfully and wonderfully made. That He, loved us both enough to create us perfec...

Friday, October 17, 2014

Let this sink in,   "I enable you not only to feel comforted but also to be a channel through whom I comfort others.   Thus you are doubly blessed, because a   living channel absorbs some of whatever flowes through it." What a thought provoking statement by Jesus written by Sarah Young in Jesus Calling. He, Jesus, not only brings comfort to you or I but He intends for us to be a channel  He can send His comfort through to other people. Far to often, in the hurried haste of life we pray and ask God to bring comfort to a situation in our life or perhaps for His comfort to consume a family member, friend, colleague, or even an acquaintance. But what if He wants to use you or I to be that comfort in their life?  I believe fellowship and communion with others is vitally important to our life in various aspects. However, when that fellowship is not consumed with being a vessel or a channel that Christ can work through, you and I have fellowshipped in vain. Perhaps, we...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 (powerful thought)

  "Take time to be still in My Presence. The more hassled you feel, the more you need this sacred space of communion with me." It has been nearly a whole week since I last posted, and what a week it has been. On Monday of this week, October 13, the words above were penned in the book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. It wasn't until today, however, that I read them and it was more like a really hard jab in the gut when the words rang through my spirit. In the last week I have taken very little time to be still in [His] presence.   I have felt more than hassled and He is right, the more I feel this way, the more [I] need the sacred space of communion with [Him.] The psalmist David wrote it well, "Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10. In a world that seems to race around at what appears to be light warping speed, you and I must continue daily   to commune with God. We must take time to rest in His presence, to communicate with Him; meaning more than ju...

Thursday; October 9, 2014

"Though you have faltered at times, you have not let go of My hand. I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me." These are the words penned by author Sarah Young in her book Jesus Calling for October 9. Young writes as though Jesus, Himself, is speaking and as I pondered these words, I couldn't help but believe He really was talking to me. Jesus is pleased with my desire to stay close to Him. Sure, I stumble, I falter in my faith or perhaps just flat out displease God at times. However, it is the fact that my intentions are not to displease Him but to bring Him glory in all that I do, that makes Him happy. Scriptures tell us that the enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy; it is his three fold mission. However, JESUS has come to bring life and life more abundantly. I was so encouraged by this thought that the High Priest is pleased with my desire to stay close to Him. To be honest, my desire to stay close to Him, stems from the fact that He first desired to...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

6  Lord, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power. Jeremiah 10:6 These words stood out to me in my morning devotion today and I couldn't help but stop in total awe of our Lord. The Lord of lords, King of kings, the Creator of the heavens and earth, Savior of the whole world, and though He is all these things and more, He is my friend.  God is great today, the writer of Hebrews said, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So if He was good to you yesterday, He's still good today and forever. His love is unfailing. Scriptures tell us, His mercies are new and refreshing every morning. Every day, He is still God. He is still your Provider, your Healer, your Comforter, your Present Help, your Friend and your Savior! Scriptures tell us,  at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every toungue will confess; that demons tremble at His name. His name is still full of power!  Be encouraged today, call on the Name that is above ev...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace. The words to this old song have proved itself true again to me today. This has been a day where I have felt what appears to be the weight of the world on my shoulders. Responsibilities that in all honesty, I have not given the time to that they deserve and my mind seems to be running a 100mph in 1,000 different directions, yet while I was driving home today from Birmigham, AL  I got lost in the words of this old song. Better yet, I got lost in Jesus. When I began to think of His goodness and all that He has blessed me with, that His word is true, He is my very present help in time of need. That He does stick closer than a brother or perhaps that He loved me enough to give me His Son and the Holy Spirit, my comforter, today; all of a sudden the things of [this old] earth grew strangely dim, in the light of HIS glory and grace.  Turn t...

Friday, October 3, 2014

This morning as I was reading for my devotion I was overwhelmed with the idea that I am nothing without God. That i rely on Him more and more as the days go on.  Part of my devotion took me to the words of the Psalmist David,  How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me? Consider and answer me, O LORD my God; Enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death, And my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," And my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken. But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me. (Psalms 13:1-6 NASB)  The words penned here in the 13th chapter are rather challenging to me. For one I can connect and sympathize with David, knowing full well the feeling of adversaries rejoicing when I'...

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Becoming anxious, worrying, or perhaps caring about the outcome of a situation, a little to much, is something we are all guilty of, from time to time. However, this morning while sitting in a local devotion I was reminded by the guest speaker, Pastor Riggs, that worry is not of God. This idea that worry is not biblical or of God intrigued me and over the last few hours, I have given it much thought. I recalled the reading from my copy of Sarah Young's book Jesus Calling just a few days ago on September 30. She writes as though Jesus is speaking to you directly and he says, "Your future is in My hands; I release it to you day by day, moment by moment. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow." What a thought, Jesus Himself is giving me each moment. I guess that would be confirmed in the scripture Psalm 37:23, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord : and he delighteth in his way. We also find the words of Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 6 verse 25-34 tel...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Daily over the past three years I have been privileged to serve families during a time of loss of a loved one. However, today, I am reminding myself more and more of the scriptures I hear all the time, I go to prepare a place for you...that where I am there ye may be also.  October 1, 2001 seems like it was just yesterday. My Mamaw passed away after a long battle of cancer and other complications. However, today I find hope, strength and refuge in the very things I try to present to families I'm privileged to care for.  The idea that God the Father loves you and I enough to send His only Son, Jesus, to pay ransom for our sins is beyond amazing. Then to think that He sent the Holy Spirit as a comforter is more precious and sweeter than I could ever tell. But to know that He is the Forman of a construction project, building a place for you and I to dwell with Him for eternity and to see our loved ones who have gone before leaves me speechless.  Like the old song says, I'm g...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Philippians  1:27–2:18 27Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News. 28Don’t be intimidated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself. 29For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him. 30We are in this struggle together. You have seen my struggle in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of it. What a powerful passage of scripture penned by the Apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit and a word that last forever. You and I are responsible for our actions. We must protect the good news that we've been privileged with. Paul challeng...

Monday, September 29, 2014

"If you fail under pressure, your strength is to small." Said the writer of Proverbs in chapter 24 and verse 10. What a statement! Life presents pressure points daily it seems. Some a little larger or more complex than others but none the less, pressure.  It also seems that pressure is no respecter of age, race, gender, religous belief, or financial status.  Less wealthy people seem to have the pressure if the bills will be paid, while wealthy people struggle with what to do with it all, or perhaps how to act with it. Students in school have the pressures of assignments and due dates, while senior citizens are often pressured daily with the realization they must do the things in life they want, because their time might not be as long as others.  However, if you look at scripture it is a reminder that our strength comes from One greater than you or I. We can read, greater is He in you, than He that's in the world. Or perhaps, I can do all things through Christ who gives me...

Friday, September 26, 2014

God is a big God who cares for you. He loves you deeply. He is concerned about your concerns, His desire is to give you your desires and yet in His time! The prophet Isaiah said it like this in the 49th chapter and verse 16, " See, I have inscribed you on the palms  of My hands;" Think about that, we serve a God so big and powerful that He created the whole world with His voice. Scriptures give accounts that when Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, walked this earth, He had the power in His voice that even the winds obeyed Him. Yet in all of His infinite wisdom, might, glory and power, He chose to inscribe you and I in the palms of His hands.  I can't help but imagine the scars in the palms of His hands from crucifixion day and think that's me. See, according to the prophet Isaiah my name is there in the middle of those scars, perhaps. He loved you and I enough that He would give us His life that you and I could enjoy life with Him for eternity. He loved us enough th...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

I didn't write yesterday. However, through the night and this morning I have been traveling to see family and have taken a little time to reflect on a particular passage of scripture,  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV) What an encouraging piece of bread of life for Christians this morning. We have a job to do. We must continue to take the saving news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with us every where we go. We must remain steadfast and unmoveable. Be content where God has placed you today. Serve Him with your whole heart and know that your labour is not in vain. God chose to use you and I for a purpose, when we live our lives for His glory we in turn will be thanked eternally when we see Him face to face.  Be blessed today and don't grow weary but keep your head up high and serve Him with your whole heart, mind, soul an...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The prayerful words of the prophet Habakuk found in chapter 3 and verse 2, Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. (Habakkuk 3:2 NIV) What a thought. You and I have heard of Gods fame. In fact, He is perhaps the most famous person ever known who has walked this earth. In the words of Steve Harvey, He is a man who needs no introduction. However, as you have heard of Him and the fullness of His glory or all the great works He has done; DO YOU STAND IN AWE?  When I heard the words of this prayer read this morning and then as I have reflected on them throughout the day I can't help but stand in awe of a very  AWEsome God! He is still faithful, He is still just. He is still able to heal and bring life to that which is broken and dying. He is still a very present help in time of need and He is still God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Like the prophet, I pray today,...

Monday, September 22, 2014

You know, I love everything about the Word of God because I still believe that it is true in its entirety. I believe it is without error, inspired and still the very relevant writ Word of God Himself. Although I love and appreciate it all, I, like you have some of my favorite passages. One of them is found in 2 Kings chapter 4 and begins in verse 18. It is the story of the Shunamite woman.  If you visit the earlier part of chapter 4 you find an account given where the Shunamite woman was unable to carry a child. Elisha, the man of God, visited her and her husband regularly so they prepared him a place to stay. During one of his visits he tells the woman by that time the next year she will give birth to a son. So the prophecy was fulfilled and she gave birth. Yet now we come to the best part, in my opinion.  Beginning in verse 18 you find the account of the child sitting in his mothers lap and dies. She places the child on her bed goes out and calls for her husband to send her ...

Friday, September 19, 2014

Have you ever just wondered, WHY? Why the world appears to race around you at what seems 1,000mph, or perhaps why it is as though the weight of the whole world is on your shoulders.  To be rather transparent, I have been there lately. There have been things personally, professionally and spiritually that have caused me to ask God why. It has felt as though I'm constantly going and no time for rest, no time for extra curriculars with family or friends and even no time for my own spiritual growth or devotion. Truthfully, that is what rekindled the desire for this blog. To require me to take time and reflect a few moments about life and what I feel God is doing in me.  Yesterday morning I sat in a local devotion where the speaker for the day made the statement, "I have nothing to say, I just came to pray." What a thought, this man drove over 80miles one way to do nothing but to pray with us. What  a way to make this preacher feel spiritual, considering I hadn't taken tim...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Seek to please Me  above all else. Let that goal be your focal point as you go through this day." This is the way my morning devotion started off today. Yes, by now you're probably thinking man this guy must really like the devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Well, I do!  Think about it, God Himself just commanded me to seek to please Him above anything else and for His pleasure to be my focal point of this entire day. That's a tall command when I have a job to tend to, school working staring me in the face, responsibilities for the church that have yet to be completed, appointments to schedule and keep and planning for a trip with family next week. How in the middle of my busy day can I make His pleasure my focal keeping Him in the middle of everything I do. This day was given to me by God, why would I want to do anything but please Him?! He woke me up this morning and started me on my way. He allowed me to fellowship with others in like faith in a l...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

During my morning devotions today, I couldn't help but be challenged by the Words of Sarah Young in her book Jesus Calling, " You will not find My Peace  by engaging in excessive planning: attempting to control what will happen to you in the future." I am a planner and I know it. Often Kaye will have to remind me that there is always tomorrow and I don't have to do everything I want today. I have so many goals and dreams and would much rather have them sooner than later, but the way she started this off, as if Jesus, Himself, was talking directly to me, was rather challenging. Have I become so consumed with my own personal desires in life; to be wealthy, to hold prestigious titles and positions, to secure my financial means for retirement or perhaps any other thing in life, that I have lost the peace of Christ?  Young went on to say, "I crafted your mind for continual communication with Me." What a thought, God designed you and I so that we would require and...

What a Thought.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. —Psalm 139:13–16 The idea that god loves me enough to have taken time to create me and know me in his very own image. He is a great God and I will praise Him for His works are wonderful!  Be encouraged today and know that God knows you! He is your very present help in time of need and he hears and answers your prayers!  --Josh Edwards--


"Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, Be he live, or he he dead I"ll grind his bones to make my bread." I recently heard this famous piece wrote by Joseph Jacob in the classic English fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, in a favorite show of mine, The Andy Griffith Show. While I was watching this particular episode, I had a thought occur, it sounded like this.... "Fee-fi-fo-fum, Can you smell the blood of Jesus, the only begotten son?" It was at this moment, I couldn't help but wonder, can the devil smell the blood of Jesus on me?  In the Old Testament we find an account given of the children of Israel placing the blood of a spotless lamb over their door. Showing that their home was covered by the blood of the lamb. Is your home covered? Are you covered? When the enemy comes in like a thief in the night, does he smell/see/know the blood of Jesus, the only begotten Son?

A Silent Faith

Often we, as Christians, hear of scripture that encourage us to speak our faith in God a loud. Though I know this encourages us and perhaps strengthens the faith we have, when we hear it, what if God uses the silent faith. What if God wants to hear us petition less and allow Him to speak more? What if the scripture, "Be still and know that I am God," refers to our mouth? Proverbs tell us, " Too much talk leads to sin.   Be sensible and keep your mouth shut." (Proverbs 10:19 NLT) I was recently challenged with this passage of scripture, when I was rambling on in conversation with colleagues. Sure, the challenge was not an easy pill to swallow, but it was something I needed to hear. HEAR, being the key word. I know for me, the challenge cut deeper than learning to allow others to speak. It was a call to learn, grow, mature and perhaps submit more to humility.  Faith is a sign of humility, I believe. It recognizes that I rely on or believe in something or someo...