Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Seek to please Me above all else. Let that goal be your focal point as you go through this day." This is the way my morning devotion started off today. Yes, by now you're probably thinking man this guy must really like the devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Well, I do! 

Think about it, God Himself just commanded me to seek to please Him above anything else and for His pleasure to be my focal point of this entire day. That's a tall command when I have a job to tend to, school working staring me in the face, responsibilities for the church that have yet to be completed, appointments to schedule and keep and planning for a trip with family next week. How in the middle of my busy day can I make His pleasure my focal keeping Him in the middle of everything I do. This day was given to me by God, why would I want to do anything but please Him?! He woke me up this morning and started me on my way. He allowed me to fellowship with others in like faith in a local morning devotion. He gave me a healthy family, a beautiful wife, a job to work and people to love through ministry. When I begin to see how HE has blessed me and how HE is involved in every aspect of my life; I begin to understand that it becomes more my pleasure to please Him all day long. 

We are all familiar with the passage found in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6 and verse 33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these other things will be added into you." These are the words of Jesus. 

As I've been challenged today, I challenge you to keep Jesus Christ and His pleasure above all else and the focal point of your day. Be blessed! 

--Josh Edwards--


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