Monday, September 22, 2014

You know, I love everything about the Word of God because I still believe that it is true in its entirety. I believe it is without error, inspired and still the very relevant writ Word of God Himself. Although I love and appreciate it all, I, like you have some of my favorite passages. One of them is found in 2 Kings chapter 4 and begins in verse 18. It is the story of the Shunamite woman. 

If you visit the earlier part of chapter 4 you find an account given where the Shunamite woman was unable to carry a child. Elisha, the man of God, visited her and her husband regularly so they prepared him a place to stay. During one of his visits he tells the woman by that time the next year she will give birth to a son. So the prophecy was fulfilled and she gave birth. Yet now we come to the best part, in my opinion. 

Beginning in verse 18 you find the account of the child sitting in his mothers lap and dies. She places the child on her bed goes out and calls for her husband to send her a donkey and a servant for she must go find the man of God. Her husband asked if everything was okay and what business she has with him for it wasn't the sabbath. Her response, "It will be well." What powerful words for a mother to say who just rocked her near grown child to sleep as he died. 

A few points I've been challenged by and I want you to ponder.
 1) She was cautious as to what she said. Scriptures tell us, there is power of life and death in the toungue. Her response to her husband defied all current issues. 
 2) She knew where to turn. Often we as people turn to our families, friends, churches or even worse, some type of sinful addictions such as alcohol or drugs perhaps. Not this lady. She knew that just as God has given her that child, He had the power and authority to do as He chose. Perhaps you and I should run to God more than others. 
If you continue to read on, you find that the man of God saw her coming from a distance. He went to her home where the child was and laid on him as he believed for life. The child awoke and the woman, thanked and praised the man of God.
 3) She didn't forget to praise God.
If you're like me you often receive an answer to prayer or perhaps a miracle occurs in your life and the very thing you don't do is take time to thank and praise God. 

Remember no matter the situations of your life whether you're on top of the mountain or down in the valley, things WILL BE WELL! Continue to trust God, pursue Him with all your might and don't forget to thank Him and praise Him for answers to your prayers! 

Be blessed! 

--Josh Edwards--


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