Friday, September 26, 2014
God is a big God who cares for you. He loves you deeply. He is concerned about your concerns, His desire is to give you your desires and yet in His time! The prophet Isaiah said it like this in the 49th chapter and verse 16, "See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;"
Think about that, we serve a God so big and powerful that He created the whole world with His voice. Scriptures give accounts that when Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, walked this earth, He had the power in His voice that even the winds obeyed Him. Yet in all of His infinite wisdom, might, glory and power, He chose to inscribe you and I in the palms of His hands.
I can't help but imagine the scars in the palms of His hands from crucifixion day and think that's me. See, according to the prophet Isaiah my name is there in the middle of those scars, perhaps. He loved you and I enough that He would give us His life that you and I could enjoy life with Him for eternity. He loved us enough that He would inscribe our names, our lives, our emotions, our health, our finances, our families, our desires, and our eternal salvation in the middle of His hands. If His voice could create the universe and calm an ocean water, imagine what His hand can do...
Be blessed!
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