Saturday, December 6, 2014
A month ago today, was my last post. However, I can't help but want to write today as I reflect on this year, that's nearly over, and how I find more and more the importantce of family.
This year we buried Kayes grandmother and tomorrow is her birthday. So perhaps it's simply that she is on my mind more than normal today. However, she was and is very important to Kaye and I. I'm reminded of the words of Paul; to live is Christ and to die is gain. Those words describe Mamaw Trammell pretty well. It engages my thoughts to think that as she lived she showed Christ and in this season of Christmas, her favorite time of year, she would show Christ by giving selflessly to those in need. But though my heart is heavy as we miss her this Christmas I'm encouraged by the hope of heaven and that we will see her again someday.
Jesus gave us all that promise in the Gospel of John chapter 14, that He goes to prepare a place for us, and that He will return, and that where He is we may be also. The Apostle Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with he Lord. One older preacher said it like this, a little girl once heard her mom speaking about the grandpa that had just passed, tell her friend that they had just lost her dad. After the conversation was over the little girl asked her mom, if we know where grandpa is how have we lost him, he's with Jesus. That little story is true, we've not lost Mamaw Trammell we know where she is.
Take time this Christmas season and enjoy your family. For remember James said for our life is but a vapor in the wind. Here one moment and gone the next. Cherish every moment with your loved ones.
Be Blessed!
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