Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Over the last couple of days I have began to prepare a sermon for this coming Sunday morning and as I have felt the guidance of the Holy Spirirt, I have been reminded of the beautiful team that God and I make together, that without Him I am nothing and that I need Him to sustain me and the purpose of my life.
Today, however, a good friend of mine welcomed their second little boy into the world, this morning, and as I began to recieve pictures and hear of how momma and baby we're doing I couldn't help but ponder the idea, what this little boy would do for the Kingdom of God. What kind of wonderful team they would make together. I recollected the passage of scripture found in Jeremiah 1: 5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5 NASB) I believe that for Brady, this new cute little boy, however I believe it for you and I! God has called us, He has appointed us for a very specific purpose. Obey God today and allow Him to order your steps. Allow Him to use you for His glory and honor. Great plans are in store for Brady, and great things are in store for you and I!
Be blessed today!
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