Friday, October 17, 2014
Let this sink in,
"I enable you not only to feel comforted but also to be a channel through whom I comfort others. Thus you are doubly blessed, because a living channel absorbs some of whatever flowes through it."
What a thought provoking statement by Jesus written by Sarah Young in Jesus Calling. He, Jesus, not only brings comfort to you or I but He intends for us to be a channel He can send His comfort through to other people. Far to often, in the hurried haste of life we pray and ask God to bring comfort to a situation in our life or perhaps for His comfort to consume a family member, friend, colleague, or even an acquaintance. But what if He wants to use you or I to be that comfort in their life?
I believe fellowship and communion with others is vitally important to our life in various aspects. However, when that fellowship is not consumed with being a vessel or a channel that Christ can work through, you and I have fellowshipped in vain. Perhaps, we have a friend who is out of gas and needing to go be with family in a time of sickness or death; what do we do? Do we lay down at night and pray that God would bring them comfort and provide for their needs, or do we take them to the gas station and fill it up as a servant/channel that God can bring comfort through. When a friend has a love one pass from this life to eternity; do we just pray and ask God to be their Peace, Love and Joy or do we take time out of our ridiculously busy lives and go and wrap our arms around their kneck to be a blessing of support.
I know time and time again, God has used individuals to pour blessings into my life and in return they have been blessed 100 fold. Take time today to bless someone by being a channel God can work His Spirit through.
Be blessed!
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