I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he live, or he he dead
I"ll grind his bones to make my bread."
I recently heard this famous piece wrote by Joseph Jacob in the classic English fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, in a favorite show of mine, The Andy Griffith Show. While I was watching this particular episode, I had a thought occur, it sounded like this....
Can you smell the blood of Jesus, the only begotten son?"
It was at this moment, I couldn't help but wonder, can the devil smell the blood of Jesus on me?
In the Old Testament we find an account given of the children of Israel placing the blood of a spotless lamb over their door. Showing that their home was covered by the blood of the lamb. Is your home covered? Are you covered? When the enemy comes in like a thief in the night, does he smell/see/know the blood of Jesus, the only begotten Son?