
Today, October 31, is for some a day of evil and for others a day of community building. The truth is this, Halloween was established by the Celts many years ago. To them it was a day where the line between death and life became blurred and so they would gather to corporately attempt to ward off evil spirits through the dark months of winter. For them it was a day of separation. The abundant harvest they had seen had now become withered and was dying, due to the cold months approaching. However, as Christians, we too have attempted to manipulate this day into something that perhaps we could use to advance our agenda. Scripture, though, tells us that we have been brought out of darkness into His (Jesus) marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9.)

I see no problem with us gathering together and enjoying the cooler season that God has blessed us with, around campfires and enjoying a hot dog together. Though there is a line where perhaps even protestants have began to cross. You, I nor any potion or spell has the power to ward off evil spirits or death. Jesus and He alone has that authority (Rev. 1:18.) Revelation chapter 3 gives us insight from the Lord as He tells us He would rather us be hot or cold but many of us are lukewarm. He goes onto say that those who are lukewarm He will spew from His mouth.

I have no problem with this day, for to me it is simply another day out of 365 that will make this year. I do, though, have an issue with Christians who are playing with, manipulating for your own agenda, or just carelessly allowing yourself to be drawn into darkness, when He has called you out! Choose this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord!! Joshua 24:15. 

Be encouraged today that God wants to use you. He died for you. So, choose today, will you shine brightly into the world as the light and hope of Jesus? Or will you somehow fade into the darkness of night as just another ghost, goblin, or any other costume you choose to find?

Be blessed,

Pastor Josh

I would be honored for you to join me, as my guest, at LaFayette Church of God (LaFayette, GA.)
You can listen to weekend messages and learn more about our church at www.lafayettecog.org.


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